Acu Nithy Acupuncture and Siddha Clinic is providing medical care since 2004 at Pudukottai, Tamilnadu with humanity and concern for the welfare of people. We treat people’s ailments through Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbal Therapy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga and Naturopathy.
We diagnose and treat the root cause of the disease to attain permanent cure for both physical and mental wellbeing. We aim at improving the immune system of our body rather than treating individual diseases.
Our Success Mantra
Do not seek disease…! Seek Health…!
We eliminate fear of disease by create health awareness.
We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in career to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.
Our Success Mantra
Do not seek disease…! Seek Health…!
We eliminate fear of disease by create health awareness.
Our Vision is to provide healthcare through excellence, quality and commitment to create a disease free society.
• To provide hope, care and cure.
• Integrating and coordinating all the medical disciplines without any side effect to achieve health.
• Guiding and training in health awareness for career development, social wellbeing, physical and mental health.